Book a Diary Slot

Start your journey with comsim by booking a discovery call. Get a no obligation, complimentary, performance audit. Identify actionable improvements.

Comsim Ltd
42 York St

Company no: 14990229

VAT no: GB451 7317 02

Book a Diary Slot

Start your journey with comsim by booking a discovery call. Get a no obligation, complimentary, performance audit. Identify actionable improvements.

Meet the team…

Anett Villanyi - Digital Transformation Consultant

Anett is a p

Anett is a mum of two who is also a certified kids life coach.


Samuel Jones - eCommerce & Digital Marketing Consultant

Samuel is a senior eCommerce & Digital Marketing consultant with some 20+ years of experience in online marketing.

Commercially knowledgeable, with experience from startups to enterprise level, in manufacturing, retail and hospitality. He’s been building digital platforms since the early 2000’s and has an established history of creating beautiful, user friendly and profitable customer interfaces.

In his free time, he loves to disappear into mountain environments for long distance and high altitude challenges.
